Northern Rio Grande Chapter
New Mexico Vine and Wine Society
We have a proposed schedule for our vine and wine gatherings for 2024. Some dates still need to be finalized.
March 10th - At Black Mesa. $10 per person fee. This will not be an “appetizer” event. Cheese, crackers, etc. will be provided.
May 5th- David and Andie with music at Casa Manz- Program TBD
July 28th- Robin and Alea - Program and tasting by Michele Padberg.
Michele is an Advanced Sommelier, Co-Owner & Co-Business Management Team for Vivác Winery, an International Wine Judge, and wine author.
Sept 8th - Big Annual Tasting at Abiquiu Inn
Oct 6th- Djann and Lisa - Judging wines (evaluating and comparing wines)
Dec 8th- Holiday Party and annual fundraiser at the Abiquiu Inn, Drumlin House
As usual, all meeting times will be 2-5pm.