Northern Rio Grande Chapter
New Mexico Vine and Wine Society
State V&WS Management Team
The management team is composed of a Board of Directors as follows:
Jeremiah Baumgartel, President- jerbaum@gmail.com
Carl Popp, Past President - chuck_socorro@msn.com
Melinda Howes, Vice-President- nmchlehd@yahoo.com
Ron Howes, Treasurer - nmchlehds@yahoo.com
Bill Stone, Secretary - wdstone@nmt.edu
Keith Powell-Membership Chairman - powellspeaks@gmail.com
Dick Anderson-Board of Directors - dezzertrat3@gmail.com
Karen Caroe-Board of Directors - wineofenchantment@gmail.com
Bob Czerniak-Board of Directors- rczernia@ad.nmsu.edu
David Moeller-Board of Directors- dave@eisentor.com
Jan Nicholas-Board of Directors - jkniclas@yahoo.com
Bob Dolci-President NRG – robertjdolci@gmail.com
Phil Vigil- President MRG - philvigil@hotmail.com
Dale Ellis- President SRG- dellis5780@me.com
Responsibilities of the management team:
The State V&WS Board of Directors provides oversight and establishes annual objectives. It is also responsible for coordinating and managing the annual State Fair wine competition. It maintains the corporate bylaws, policy documents, conducts required annual meetings. It ensures compliance with the IRS, the Secretary of State, and the State Attorney General. The Board od Directors serve terms a prescribed in the bylaws. It is responsible to ensure that we never loose sight of our stated charitable purpose.
Statement by the State Board President:
As stated on the homepage of this site the New Mexico Vine and Wine Society is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Its mission is to connect NM wine enthusiasts, wine and grape growers and the wine industry through education, promotion, and enjoyment of NM Wines. We do this through two primary means. We sponsor and manage the New Mexico State Fair wine competition, and, through our three chapters, we conduct educational events, wine tastings, and public outreach. See the page on the New Mexico State Fair for information on supporting and entering the competition. For information on public outreach and education check out what each NMV&WS Chapter does.